
I have presented a number of one to five day seminars in the United States, Australia, Canada, and Europe. I have also presented Workshops in most of those countries. My seminars have appeared at vendor conferences and companies (usually consulting clients).

Available Seminars:

C for Experienced Programmers

This 18 to 24 hour seminar is designed for experienced programmers who want to learn the C programming language. When previously presented, most of the programmers who attended had a COBOL background but that is not a requirement. This seminar has been presented to corporate audiences.

Just about everything from data types to dynamic memory and file handling are covered. The time variation is caused by the amount of hands-on exercises.

It typically is presented as five half days or can be presented as three full days or any combination. Hands-on exercises are included (requiring an ANSI C compliant compiler). In the past, "The C Programming Language" by Kernighan and Ritchie and "C How to Program" by Deitel and Deitel have been included in the materials.

A full abstract is available.

C Refresher Training

This one or two day seminar is designed for experienced programmers who have had C training in the past and need a refresher before actually coding in it. The typical attendee has had a COBOL background but that is not a requirement. This seminar has been presented to corporate audiences.

Just about everything from data types to dynamic memory and file handling are quickly covered. The time variation is caused by the amount of hands-on exercises.

A full abstract is available.

Advanced C Programming

This one day seminar is designed for junior and intermediate level C programmers. Although originally presented to DEC VAX (DECUS) audiences in the United States and Australia, it is equally applicable to programmers on UNIX and other platforms. This does not cover Windowing or GUI programming.

Topics from advanced data types to dynamic memory are covered.

In the past, "The C Programming Language" by Kernighan and Ritchie has been included in the materials, but this is not a requirement.

A full abstract is available.

So You Have to deal with an IBM Mainframe

This one day seminar is designed for non-mainframe technical professionals who find themselves presented with a mainframe. The assumption is that they are familiar with some interactive operating system like UNIX, OpenVMS, MS/PC-DOS, etc. This seminar has been presented to corporate and DEC VAX (DECUS) audiences in the United States.

A full abstract is available.

Introduction to SAS Programming

This one day seminar is intended to introduce the SAS programming language (which is very useful for quick reports, prototyping, and data mining) to experienced programmers.

The easy ways of getting to data, simple (quick) printing, complicated printing, sorting, and a little statistics are coverd.

A full abstract is available.

Software Metrics and Function Point Analysis

This one day seminar teaches about software metrics, measurement programs in software development organizations, and one metric tool: Function Points. Function Points are an international standard means of measuring the complexity (size) of software applications and is maintained by the International Function Point Users Group. This seminar has been presented to user group (DECUS) audiences in the United States, Australia, and Europe.

A full abstract is available.

Moving Towards Open Systems and Client/Server

This one day seminar covers many of the organizational issues around the migration of existing (legacy) applications from their current platforms (often IBM mainframes) to open systems (UNIX or NT) and Client/Server platforms. Both management and general technical issues are reviewed. This seminar has been presented to user group (DECUS) audiences in the United States and Europe.

A full abstract is available.

Locating, Hiring, and Retaining Technical Professionals

This one day seminar covers the topics that vex management and senior technical staff - where can I find, get (hire), and keep good technical professionals? I have been involved as a technical staff member and manager with a number of consulting firms and "normal" corporations where I have been faced with these issues. This seminar is based on what I learned.

Projects are hard enough to get done (on-time or a little late) as it is. But if you cannot find or keep good people it becomes even worse.

A full abstract is available.

Relational Database Techniques (and SQL)

This one day seminar is designed to introduce relational databases and the Structured Query Language to technical professionals. It is assumed that the attendees will be familiar with general data processing techniques.

There is an advanced version of this seminar that could be the second day of a two day seminar or presented seperately.

A full abstract is available.

Advanced Relational Database Techniques (and SQL)

This one day seminar is designed to present advanced relational database and SQL techniques to professionals who are already familiar with these technical topics.

There is an introductory version of this seminar that could be the first day of a two day seminar or presented seperately.

A full abstract is available.

Mainframe to UNIX: Conversion Experiences

This one day seminar is based on personal experiences in converting applications from the mainframe to UNIX systems. Hardware, operating environments, development environments, management, and staffing considerations will be discussed.

The goal of this seminar is to allow the attendee to learn from the conversion mistakes made by others!

A full abstract is available.

SQL and Relational Databases for ISAM/VSAM Programmers

This one day seminar is designed to teach ISAM/VSAM programmers how to use a relational database and the coding techniques involved in using Structured Query Language (SQL). This is different from my other Relational Database seminars (Introduction and Advanced) in that it builds on the existing knowledge and terminology base of ISAM/VSAM programmers.

A full abstract is available.

UNIX for the Mainframer

This seminar is designed to be an introduction to UNIX for the Mainframe professional and is based on my book by the same title.

The seminar can be offered in two different formats - one day (quick introdution) and four or five day (more detail with hands-on exercises when facilities exist). Typically, a copy of my book would be distributed to all attendees. The hands-on exercises of the longer seminar require some form of UNIX (including but not limitied to HP-UX, AIX, SunOS/Solaris, Linux, and even some of the UNIX-shell-on-PC tools).

A full abstract is available.

How to Avoid Being Downsized in a Corporation

This one day seminar is designed for technical professionals who want to remain with their current employer in this time of corporate downsizing (layoff, reduction-in-force, lack-of-work, surplussing, etc.). The focus is on making ones self more valuable to your current employer.

Although not the primary focus, job search techniques are also covered as even the most valuable people get layed off. A one hour workshop focusing on job search techniques is also available.

A full abstract is available.

Perl Programming

This one day seminar is designed for technical professionals who want to learn Perl, the Practical Extraction and Report Langauge.

Focus is on version 5, prototyping, and data extraction. Although not a primary focus, the use of Perl as a cgi-bin scripting language (with the World Wide Web) is also discussed.

A full abstract is available.

Awk Programming

This one day seminar is designed for technical professionals who want to learn awk, the C-like programming language developed by Aho, Weinberger, and Kernighan (of C and UNIX fame).

The different versions (original awk, new awk - nawk, POSIX awk, and gnu awk - gawk) will be compared and contrasted. Quick programming, prototyping, and data extraction are focused on.

A full abstract is available.

Introduction to HTML

This one day seminar is designed for technical professionals who want to learn the basics of writing HTML - Hyper Text Markup Language, the basis of the World Wide Web. The latest standard will be discussed along with some of the more popular extensions will be covered.

Although not the primary focus, cgi-bin scripting will be covered. In addition to the language syntax, good design techniques will also be covered. The language is fairly easy (especially if you have used nroff/troff/DSR/runoff), making a web page look good is even harder!

Just because there are GUI HTML authoring tools does not mean that you should not learn the underlying language!

A full abstract is available.

Custom Seminars

Interested in a seminar on computing but do not see it listed here?

Contact me and I will see if I feel comfortable talking on the topic.

I recently presented a special version of "C for Experienced Programmers" for Tandem programmers. I do not know Tandem, but I do know ANSI C; I found someone who could fill in the pieces and co-presented that seminar.

Send me mail!
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